
A VisualTrack generally composes its transformed base content on a background buffer provided by VisualTracks before it. If there is no input background buffer (first VisualTrack) only the transformed base content is given back. If there is no base content in the VisualTrack, the background buffer is transformed instead.

Type Name Description Default
ImageProvider content The content of this track
int32 numframes Number of frames of this VisualTrack, if not specified, or < 0 it will provide content until the end of the scene -1
int32 offset offset to change the starting point of this VisualTrack relative to the start of the scene (negative values give undefined behaviour) 0
int32 x X offset for the compositing of background and layer content 0
int32 y Y offset for the compositing of background and layer content 0
bool centerx Center content on track horizontally false
bool centery Center content on track vertically false
Transformation [ ] transformations Array of Transformations, that are applied to either the content or the background
BlendMode blendmode Blendmode for the compositing of content onto previous track
double opacity Opacity to use for compositing 1.0
Function opacityfunction Animation function to control opacity
double adjustalpha Compute correct destination alpha after compositing (to solve double composition problem) false
bool ignorelength Ignore length (length will be computed by Audiotrack or set specifically or dynamically) false
StringVariable numframesvariable Do not compute length from content, but take length from variable.
string name
StringVariable enablevariable


Blend modes as in Photoshop

Enum Value Description
normal 0
screen 1
softlight 2
hardlight 3
overlay 4
multiply 5

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